Explore the course catalog

Each on-demand module covers a different topic, from bioacoustics applications and best practices to recorder functionality and sound analysis using Kaleidoscope Pro software.

Lessons are designed to accommodate your level of subject-matter knowledge—whether you're new to bioacoustics or an advanced practitioner. Browse our course catalog below to start learning!

This platform is new as of April 2023. Be on the lookout for new courses as we continue to add them over the coming months.


Meet Our Instructors

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Dave Roberts

Dave is a lifelong audio engineer with 30+ years of experience in audio technology development. He has lectured internationally on the subject and is a published author. Dave is also a passionate environmentalist. As a Wildlife Acoustics Product Specialist, he regularly interacts with (and learns from) biologists and environmental scientists. Dave brings a deep knowledge of sound and technology to the ever-evolving science of bioacoustics to provide exceptional training experiences to our customers.

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Paul Howden-Leach

Paul has worked as a professional ecologist for 25 years and has a wealth of experience in protected species survey, including bats, amphibians, reptiles, terrestrial mammals and birds. Paul has specialised in the identification of bats and birds through sound and sonogram analysis. Paul is a qualified adult education teacher and has taught at numerous further and higher education institutions throughout the world, from formal lecture settings to in-field active sound recording training. In addition Paul has acted as a consultant and advisor for the BBC and other TV production companies.
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Fran Tattersall

Following a research career focussing on British wildlife conservation, Fran works in technical sales, training and business development related to ecology and the environment. She has a particular interest in bioacoustics, and the emerging science of Acoustic Indices. Fran provides advice and training on wildlife sound recorders and analysis to companies across Europe. She is a keen naturalist and enjoys trying to identify birds by ear.