Acoustic Analysis in Kaleidoscope (Part 1): Getting Started

Welcome! This intro course provides foundational knowledge for getting started with Kaleidoscope sound analysis software. You will learn how to download, install, open, and examine acoustic (non-bat) audio files within the Kaleidoscope "Viewer." This knowledge will prepare you for subsequent courses on automated batch processing using the Viewer and the Control Panel.
  • level

  • Non-Bat Analysis

    Birds, Amphibians, Terrestrial Mammals, etc.
  • Skills

    Open & View Files in Kaleidoscope
  • Certificate

    Upon Completion
  • Instructor

    Dave Roberts

Skills Gained at Course Completion

Download & Install Kaleidoscope

Understand the Control Panel

open & Play an Audio File

Understand the Spectrogram
& the Oscillogram

Navigate the Kaleidoscope Viewer

Isolate & Save a Sound


Dave Roberts 

Dave is a lifelong audio engineer with more than 30 years of experience in audio technology development. He has lectured internationally on the subject and is a published author. Dave is also a passionate environmentalist. As a Product Specialist at Wildlife Acoustics, he regularly interacts with—and learns from—biologists and environmental scientists around the world. Dave brings a deep knowledge of sound and technology to the ever-evolving science of bioacoustics analysis to provide exceptional training experiences to our customers.